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Full Version: Porsche Enamel Crest from the 60´s is back on the Planet > The 914 Forums > Classified Forums > FS/WTB: 914 Memorabilia
Guys I am happy to announce maybe the most wanted Christmas present of this year for all of us . santa_smiley.gif

The ultimate wall decoration for every Porsche Garage or Men Cave ! A total must have ! cheer.gif

Porsche Classic (the Factory) from Germany brought back the Porsche Dealer Crest from the early 1960´s to the market. In the old heraldic colors.

After decades where only rare vintage ones appeared on auctions like sotheby´s or on meetings like the LA Lit Show - and were offered for 1000s of dollars. Or just crappy repro stuff in wrong colors or sizes was affordable...

It is awesome that this holy grail is again available also for non millionaires and directly from the factory .

And its so damn correct to every detail that it is hard to believe that its a new issued part. I was told that every layer was applied by hand like back in the 60s so you could feel the 3D effect by touching it

They guys from germany where so crazy to detail that they even copied the vintage packaging , wrapping paper and the old part number sticker with the typewriter font.

Complemented by a little booklet telling the history of origin of the heraldic porsche crest.its a true and piece of art. wub.gif wub.gif

But just take a look at these pictures to form your own opinion

Available at any Porsche Center/ Dealer under this part number

644 701 007 10
Very cool- price?
No idea where the OP got it from or what he paid for it, but they are available for around 350euro/400 dollars in Europe, for example:
Thanks- I’m in Ireland= Europe!!
Mark Henry
It's funny you made a suspiciously similar post last year. idea.gif
You get a pass because your only other post was a WTB in the cars FS section.

Are you the manufacturer for Porsche? Or work for Porsche classic?

We don't mind you shilling your products here as long as they're 914 related and you can announce new products in the garage, but you have to be up front about it or you'll totally piss our members off.


I would like one for my garage if they were say.....$150 delivered.....
google the tool kit from the prior post and it comes up Porsche and Stoddards parts.
google this sign and nothing pops...perhaps only in europe?
smells like a scam
FYI I tried to order one but so far US dealers do not have them, but they are definitely available in Europe already so no its not a scam.

Hopefully I can get one in time as a self indulgent Christmas present.

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