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I love my TIVO and I thought some of you might be interested in this:

Get a FREE factory-renewed 40-hour TIVo Series2™ box with the purchase of a 12 month ($155)or product lifetime ($299)TiVo service gift-subscription. Free shipping.

If you already have a TIVO sub and use this as a second, at the discounted rate the 1 year is good for 22 months according to some others that have gotten this deal.
since it's not you personally offering, i'll tack my offer into this thread...

NIB 40-Hr TiVo with lifetime subscription, never activated, $325 plus shipping at actual in the US.

this was a gift from my employer last Christmas, which was generous and all, but not immediately applicable for me because 1) it doesn't do HiDef; 2) it has no digital outputs; 3) it requires a wired phone line for activation.

it *MAY* be possible to use a hardwired Ethernet (10-Base-T) connection for the configuration - evidently it may or may not work depending on the alignment of the planets or something - i have all the documentation from to assist you if you want to pursue it. or, if you have a wired phone line, you're all set.

this entered my life at the same time as ComCast finally released their DVR in my market, and that is a better option for me. so i put the TiVo on the shelf, where it still sits, unused.
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