Sep 1 2005, 09:47 AM
For our Solo II (aka AX) events for this season I have been using a "free" website called to setup on line registration for our SCCA events. Today I go to put in our sept 18th & 25th events and after I fill in the event info the next page ask me to Select a Template for your Entry Fee Schedule????? WTF is that. We currently don't want to take on line payments for our events yet (maybe next year) and this was a free service as long as you didn't take the on line payments, looks like maybe this has changed.
I have asked the support person at myautoevents this question also but thought I would ask here too. Myautoevents is a great website, you can download the pre-registered people to you laptop, run you your AXware software, and get your evens results at the end of the day which saves a ton of time over doing manually.
So anyone ever use it?
Sep 1 2005, 09:53 AM
The Las Vegas SCCA region uses it for Auto-Cross registration. The fees are paid at the event, not via the web site. From a participants perspective it works well. The guys and gals in charge of registration like it too. I do not know anything about it from the administrative side.
Joseph Mills
Sep 1 2005, 10:03 AM
We've been using it for about a year with no problems. Our registration procedure offers paying in advance thru them, or paying at the event site. Maybe that is the template they are asking you to select?
I'll check to see if there have been any "new" aspects to our setup.
Sep 1 2005, 11:02 AM
Well I'm a dumass
There is a field on the main page that I didn't check. Thanks all.
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