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Full Version: 2.0 motor value??? Early verses Late?? > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
The current motor in my 914 is on loan to me from Mike Rose,
(thanks Mike clap56.gif clap56.gif )

The plan is to finish putting my 2.0 together and do a swap in the near future.

Mike would like to sell his 2.0 motor and figured it would be easier in a running car so that someone can test drive and hear the engine at work instead of sitting on a stand and guessing about it.

His motor is a '75 2.0 with the air injection ports for smog.
Does this have a bearing in the price?

Smog motor verses non-smog motor??

Fair market value?
I was thinking $1000 complete with the D-Jet and Early 2.0 exhaust with Burch this a reasonable price??
Mark Henry
I would say that price is right on the 'eh' money!

Smog heads "might" make a differance if your building a high dollar big 4, not on a stocker.
seems fair, there's a '76 2.0 listed now for $1200.

here's a guy in san mateo looking for a later 2.0 motor.
Brad Roberts
Yes Derek.


That is the car that I wanted to buy for Jenny. I informed him that we couldnt take the car out of his name until it passed smog. He decided to "find" a engine for it and sell it complete. I should have kept my BIG FAT MOUTH shut and bought the car that night. NO... I had to be honest FUCKING ABE.

He contacted me just a few minutes ago......

Once the oil leak is fixed, we'll do a compression check this weekend and go from there....I guess I'll be swapping engines again much sooner than I had planned smash.gif
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