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> Martini 914 1974, restoration thread
post May 12 2017, 06:24 AM
Post #301

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Excellent work, Mats. Thank you for posting your build thread.

Could you tell us the specs for your BBS wheels and tires? Thanks.
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post May 12 2017, 06:31 AM
Post #302

You bought another 914?

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smilie_pokal.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/piratenanner.gif)
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post May 12 2017, 06:39 AM
Post #303


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Sweet! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smilie_pokal.gif)
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post May 12 2017, 01:45 PM
Post #304

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QUOTE(maf914 @ May 12 2017, 02:24 PM) *

Excellent work, Mats. Thank you for posting your build thread.

Could you tell us the specs for your BBS wheels and tires? Thanks.

Shhhhhh...they're not real BBS's but dont tell anyone....

I bought these from a guy that means to use them for an 2.7 RS Clone build but that never happened so I picked them up quite cheaply. All four are 7x15 and had never been used on the the street. The tires on them were from like 89 or something. Anyway the brand apparently is RW which I dont know much about. I'm thinking of eventually having them refinished in gold with a polished lip instead of the black they are now.

The tires and 195/50-15 Nokian. A bit of a budget tire but still a good brand so they should be ok for long drives and shows which is what I will use them for.
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post May 12 2017, 05:59 PM
Post #305

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/thumb3d.gif) Stellar build. IIRC, you drove that in the Winter w/o the windscreen. Damn that was cold! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/driving.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif)
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post May 14 2017, 01:35 PM
Post #306

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So yesterday was the highpoint of the Swedish 914 year. The annual meeting down in south of Sweden, for the first time I would be bringing my own car that I only finished working on the evening before (fixing the odometer)


I left home at 5:20 am to drive the 255 miles south. Joining me I had my friend Pontus driving his Cayman as a backup/following vehicle.


Since I had barely driven the car the first hour was a bit nervous. It was also quite cold for the season, only 40F when I left so I got to put the heat on to keep warm. Further south there are a couple of long inclines that I was a bit nervous about but the car handled them well just touching 375F at the top of the hills.

About 20 minutes out from arrival we stopped for fuel just to be sure, I know my engine is running quite rich (lambda 0.9) and it got around 25 mpg on that part of the trip keeping an everage speed around 100 km/h.


It was a very nice feeling driving into the small farmhouse courtyard to joing the other 914's attending. All of Sweden has an estimated number of 150 914's where probably 50 are being used every year.


So the meet managed to have 7 driving cars and one project attending. Among the visitors there was at least three whose cars were not finished or not running, hopefully we'll break into double figures next year.


It was a great day, meeting old familliar face and learning a few new ones and seeing a few cars I'd only seen images of before.


All in all it was a great day, my first major trip in the car and it handled the 510 miles great. I was pretty tired getting home tho so next year i'll probably split the driving over two days.
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post May 18 2017, 01:40 PM
Post #307

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Yesterday was the first ever slalom even for me with this car. I felt very rusty and had
some trouble with the 180 degree turn trying both a tight and a wide line. Only four cars in my class and when I headed home I was still the fastest in my class.
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post May 18 2017, 06:51 PM
Post #308

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Looking good Mats.
Your car looks well up.
Certainly corners nice and flat.
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post May 18 2017, 07:11 PM
Post #309


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QUOTE(falcor75 @ May 14 2017, 12:35 PM) *

So yesterday was the highpoint of the Swedish 914 year. The annual meeting down in south of Sweden, for the first time I would be bringing my own car that I only finished working on the evening before (fixing the odometer)


I left home at 5:20 am to drive the 255 miles south. Joining me I had my friend Pontus driving his Cayman as a backup/following vehicle.


Since I had barely driven the car the first hour was a bit nervous. It was also quite cold for the season, only 40F when I left so I got to put the heat on to keep warm. Further south there are a couple of long inclines that I was a bit nervous about but the car handled them well just touching 375F at the top of the hills.

About 20 minutes out from arrival we stopped for fuel just to be sure, I know my engine is running quite rich (lambda 0.9) and it got around 25 mpg on that part of the trip keeping an everage speed around 100 km/h.


It was a very nice feeling driving into the small farmhouse courtyard to joing the other 914's attending. All of Sweden has an estimated number of 150 914's where probably 50 are being used every year.


So the meet managed to have 7 driving cars and one project attending. Among the visitors there was at least three whose cars were not finished or not running, hopefully we'll break into double figures next year.


It was a great day, meeting old familliar face and learning a few new ones and seeing a few cars I'd only seen images of before.


All in all it was a great day, my first major trip in the car and it handled the 510 miles great. I was pretty tired getting home tho so next year i'll probably split the driving over two days.

Love this photo! Great perspective (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 22 2017, 08:43 AM
Post #310

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Had a little bit of fun last night... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/popcorn[1].gif)
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post Jun 22 2017, 10:21 AM
Post #311

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Your car looks great. Enjoyed both of your videos. It's an excellent build!
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post Jul 20 2017, 01:58 PM
Post #312

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Well since last time things have been pretty smooth...mostly...but more on that later.
Spokes front LED's are great, cant recommend them enough.


Been to a few local car shows and have gotten great response to the car. Always nice to get some appreciation when you've worked hard to make it a good car.


I designed this badge in Solidworks. It's basically a 1988 911 3.2 badge that I switched around. A friend 3D printed it for me and its got two strong magnets countersunk into the backside.


I finished the surface with a 1200 grit wet and dry paper and then painted it silver. Turned out pretty nice.


I've had this faint whining noise from the gearbox since the start of the season. Sadly its getting louder and driving home from the autocross last night its really noticeable.
So the season might get quite short as I dont want to risk a total failure.

I've started investigating someone who can rebuild my gearbox. The good thing is that all the gears go in easy without crunching so the synchros should be ok.
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post Jul 20 2017, 06:26 PM
Post #313


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Looks like a great area for a 914. Thanks for sharing the car and the pictures. Jim.
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post Jul 20 2017, 11:25 PM
Post #314

working on my first 914 !

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Hi Mats. Great job on the badge ! Nice custom touch.
Have fun and good luck on the gearbox rebuild.
Greetings from Holland
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post Aug 19 2017, 02:01 AM
Post #315

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I got a set of 914 Rubbers H4 headlights lenses and H4 LED bulbs in the mail last week and I've been waiting for a few non rainy evenings to try them out and compare with the stock sealed beam units that came on my ex California car.

Attached Image

This is the sealed beam on low/dipped beam. Quite short range.

Attached Image

This is the sealed beam on high beam. Better range of course but still not what I'd call good.

Attached Image

These are the LED H4's on low/dipped beam. The experience is that they are much brighter and light up the road further ahead than the sealed beam low beam did.

Attached Image

These are the H4 LEDs on high beam. I was quite dissapointed as there wasnt much difference from the low beam. As far as I can tell there is no extra range on the high beam and as the light pattern on the ground shows most of the extra light seems to end up close to the car. There was a little more vertical spread in the light but it didnt do much in actual long range light that you want on high beams.

My verdict: The improvement of the low beams makes it worth the upgrade. I wont be driving my car much in the dark so its ok for me. If you do alot of night driving I would try a set of Osram or Philips H4 bulbs too for comparison. (and get separate +12v feeds and relays for the headlights to ensure reliability)
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post Aug 19 2017, 02:04 AM
Post #316

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Attached Image

LED low beam from outside the car.

Attached Image

LED high beam from outside the car.

I also shot a two quite shakey movies from my phone while driving the same stretch of road both with the sealed beams and LED's.

I can post the links to them if someone is interested.

Attached Image

LED bulb installed.
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post Aug 19 2017, 06:20 AM
Post #317

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Thanks for posting the comparison pics. Is it possible the the low & high beams are wired backward - and they are aimed too low? That might explain your high beam (really the low) hitting the ground so close to the car. Just a thought.
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post Aug 19 2017, 06:33 AM
Post #318

Get that VIN ?

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Great story, pics, and build; thanks for sharing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Aug 19 2017, 06:44 AM
Post #319

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QUOTE(theer @ Aug 19 2017, 02:20 PM) *

Thanks for posting the comparison pics. Is it possible the the low & high beams are wired backward - and they are aimed too low? That might explain your high beam (really the low) hitting the ground so close to the car. Just a thought.

They are aimed the same height as the old sealed beams so I think that should be comparable. I've got the yellow wire connected to the top connector of the bulb, white and brown to the side ones.
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post Aug 19 2017, 01:50 PM
Post #320

Dr. Phil

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ive been playing around with this too, and i have rifht now the Osram H4 in the headlights and they are a good bit brighter and more white as you see with the Led, there is the typical difference in the hi va low beam - thanks for putting more "light" on the subject
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