Did we check on the seat cushion? Is it needed?
I jest in the humor because he has the option to rebuild and to learn from the mistake. Yes a mistake........it's all good.
He should smile, it could be his girlfriend, wife, or whomever who got pregnant......then it's payments for a very long time! WRECKING is cool.....he had that thing right to the edge but just went a touch too far. VERY FEWpeople have ever done that.
I meant NO attack on his driving; none. Just my job coming thru to ask questions about the collision. I'm always looking. I then typed my thoughts....
In my line of work we have TWO classifications of people:
1)Those who have wrecked.
2) Those who have YET to wreck.
Everyone makes it into one of these categories in their career of driving!
Here's to seeing the thing back on the road!
p.s. My kids don't have a chance when they put the family truckster into the ditch and claim "I wasn't going that fast!"