My painter wouldn't even give an estimate until he saw the car stripped. This is a guy who previously had to come back and fix "hidden" rust in other paint jobs that were lurking under the existing finish. Once you eat a couple of those you get gun shy and he won't paint over old paint.
914's rust. Period. We all know that. When my car was media blasted we found numerous spots that were rusted that did not show with paint still on it. Several holes were blown right through thin areas that rusted from behind. My painter was quick to point out the reason of "bid after blast"
Several other good reasons apply to media blasting. The car can get primed within minutes of media blast before oily sweaty hands start touching the metal, the surface of media blast is a great bonding surface, media etches down deep in the "voids", the surface is uniform, repairs are much easier with clean metal and you can apply new materials from metal up that were all designed to work together and the list goes on......I would however not use "sand" and instead go to someone who specializes in minerals that do not generate heat as bad.
The only big negative I see is the complaint about the media constantly shaking out and making a mess. This can be resolved by spending more time while the car is stripped using an air hose and shop vac. In the long run I think it is the way to go although it does cost more.
Here is an example of what media blast will reveal....didn't look too bad until after blasting. Look inside the door handle cavity on the top. It looked perfect before blast and would be difficult to get power sanders into but showed up easily after blast.
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