Project has moved on to help others hopefully finish their EG swaps.
I spent countless amounts of time thinking this over, looking at options, and finally came to this decision.
three things pushed me to this point.
One I have a real 914-6 that I need to focus on getting done.
Two, I was building a Cayman, so might as well go buy a Cayman, or Cayman S, or GT4. Trust me I was in GT4 territory, with dollars and time.
Three I happened upon a deal I could not pass that took care of a bunch of needs and wants. I picked up two BMW and replaced most of the fleet of cars I had at the time 9 total. I was setting money aside for the Cayman purchase, and got a txt from my brother-in-law who details cars as a side gig. A customer had a car he wanted to sell. 2006 BMW 7 Series, all the Alpina bits on it. 50K was the mileage. Half serious I drove the car, and fell in
Handels great, has plenty of power, BMW CCA concours winner.
While he was showing me parts in the garage, he had an M4 I put dibs on, LOL, and an X5M. We got to talking about cars, and he was going to sell the X5M but the dealership gave him a crappy number. I asked what he wanted for it, and he told me, and I bought two cars that day. Kinda of, it is a longer story but that is an over beer sort of thing.
I started selling off parts of this build, and still have a few items to go. I also got ahold of people I knew who could use certain items to get their builds that much ahead.
Meanwhile the chassis sat in the shop, and thoughts and tormented me. 914-8 tribute car, W12 swap, on , and on, LS???? N54 swap..... On and On.
Reminds me of a song " A terrible thought has moved into my mind
Like an unwanted room-mate drunk on wine
It feeds on my happiness won't pay the rent
I must take proper measures to evict it
A terrible thought has moved into my mind
A giant rat that's nibbling on my pride
It's tearing away my patience and my wit
I must take proper measures set a trap for it
What a terrible thought
What a terrible thought..."
Thank you Poe and Mark Z. Danielewski, BTW great Cello work in that song
Which brings us to here, I got the demon out of my head, it will be put to good use by its new owner to help resurrect a more significant 1974. But that is now part of his story, and I will let him reveal it when he wishes.
Click to view attachmentSad day, as this is only the 2nd car I ever gave up on. I have restored about 30 cars over my years, and to drop 2 to this day bugs me. But I learned a lot from both, and who knows what this will allow to come into my life. Time to move on, finish a couple of projects in the shop, and off the honey do list, and get back on the 914-6.