Got the inner suspension console tack welded in place today.
Figured out the slight rock I had in the piece was from two previous rosette welds on the new longitudinal not ground completely flush.
I spent quite a bit of time bending, hammering and adjusting the areas to be welded on this piece, to make sure it fit as good as possible. There is a slight gap at the top of suspension console that will be addressed with a big hammer and block of wood after the rest of it is tacked on.
Took one more measurement, from both the front and rear firewall, dead on both ways.
I started with the leading edge, because of the alignment mark. I was amazed to see how much the whole console moved forward from two tack welds! Re-checked the measurements and they were off. Had to grind off the spot welds with a dremmel tool and start over again.
The trailing edge needed some side pressure before tacking it on, so I broke out the special tools.
Needed to put a little pressure on the bottom of the console before tacking the bottom on.
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