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My inlet on the bumper is ~ 5.5 x 21"

You can see the bumper cutout in the pic Jim posted, the cutout in the front of the trunk is a couple inches larger than that. The problem that I see with the inlet setup right now is that air that goes through the hole in the bumper isnt forced into the trunk, there is a couple of inches around the bumper all the way around between the bumper and the trunk. If I eliminated this gap with fiberglass on the bumper I suspect more airflow at higher speeds (Granted I dont have cooling problems at high speeds except on hot hot days).

And Mike has it right, the biggest thing is 2x the outlet as the inlet. Which is why I believe if you shroud the outlet the efficiency of the hole size would be much increased, for example you would only need 1.5x the size.

Just one of those things im looking to experiment with.
Mike Bellis
I have a rubber dam between the bumper hole and radiator. This forces all the air through my shroud.
Do you have a pic of said rubber? I never noticed it on your car
Mike Bellis
QUOTE(Andyrew @ Sep 12 2011, 09:06 PM) *

Do you have a pic of said rubber? I never noticed it on your car

You can barely see it if you look through the grill. I would have to dissassemble the shroud to get a picture. It's made from a bed liner mat. 1/4" thick and cut to shape.

EDIT: Found a pic. Not great but you get the idea...

Click to view attachment
So that material attatches to your bumper? Looks like that kind of thing could certainly work.. Better than hours of fiberglassing...
This is just a teaser to some of our kick ass engagement pics. I was able to convince her to let me incorporate the 914 in some of our pictures. Were really happy how these have turned out so far and we hope you guys like them as much as we do! I'll post up some more in a couple of weeks.

Mike Bellis
High resolution for pic 2
QUOTE(Rand @ Jun 11 2011, 10:11 PM) *

Very sweet. Congrats Andyrew, you have rocked it yet again.

Take this with a grain of salt: The rockers.... dude, what you going to do wit the rockers? It seems like the flow is interrupted by the fender. Body color? Blacken bottom edge of fender to continue the stripe that's in front and behind that spot?
Not picking on it - amazing as is, just thinking out loud.

agree.gif Still, this is an awesome 914!! Great Job!!
My friend (Photographer) gets a little "edit crazy" sometimes biggrin.gif

those pics are keepers for sure - all of them.

black wheels - red longs - purple dress - wicked awesome shoes

she is smoking - and i ain't taliing about the ....... : )

all the best !!!
These pics are awesome...I love them. Great idea.

PS I like your side valances painted body color. beer.gif
drooley.gif Awesome photos!

Now take that lady and drive off into the sunset! grouphug.gif
Mike Bellis
Is there a 914 caravan to the wedding? poke.gif
There is a 914 going FROM the wedding smile.gif

Update on the car, Going in for a dyno tune tomorrow. Im looking for 225whp and 250wtq. (I have to consider that I have 100lbs in wheels and tires in the back) but most importantly im looking for smooth tq curve, smooth power through the powerband, better cruising (it never was that bad..), better cold starts, and better gas mileage.
Good looking picts. Great idea!!!!!!!!! piratenanner.gif piratenanner.gif piratenanner.gif

Dyno tune is done. Found a couple of problems and fixed them (Mostly I was running without the secondary's... Vacuum pod had a solid gasket instead of an O ring. ). I need to figure a bigger air cleaner system as thats witholding some power, and I also need to go a general tuneup (wires, plugs, ect).

Overall it pushed out 235whp and 295wtq. It made at least 250wtq from 2k-5k rpms.

I havent gotten to drive it yet but I am sure looking forward to it! Its supposedly very smooth and sounds really good.

QUOTE(Andyrew @ Oct 28 2011, 01:18 PM) *

Dyno tune is done. Found a couple of problems and fixed them (Mostly I was running without the secondary's... Vacuum pod had a solid gasket instead of an O ring. ). I need to figure a bigger air cleaner system as thats witholding some power, and I also need to go a general tuneup (wires, plugs, ect).

Overall it pushed out 235whp and 295wtq. It made at least 250wtq from 2k-5k rpms.

I havent gotten to drive it yet but I am sure looking forward to it! Its supposedly very smooth and sounds really good.

Is that still carb'ed or did you switch back to the FI setup?
Still carbed. I have to build a megasquirt or pay 1500 for a computer to go back to FI.
Heres the dyno. Red line is current. Blue line is 2005 dyno. Dont know why they didnt rev it past 5k but thats ok.

Keep in mind blue line is with 16" fuch's and 225 50 tires, red line is with 18" turbo twists with 285 35 tires. I estimate 26% drivetrain loss due to the tires, since Jake Raby estimates 25% typical loss with the 901.

This puts me right around 300HP and 375lbs tq.
I was at the dyno shop about 4 hours (on my day off). The day started with a BANG. A flash grenade went off about 20 minutes after I arrived about a block away. The cops were crashing someones gang/drug party at 8:30 in the morning. Another one a few minutes later. The dyno tune process is always interesting. If anyone is looking for this, Oakdale is a great shop with many skills. Besides that, it's a toy shop. I took a few pictures while I was there.

Andrews car drives much better. It's amazing how quick it was on only the front 2 bb.
It still made 220 hp in it's weakened state. I really should have checked the vacuum pod when I rebuilt the carb, but never thought it was a problem since it held vacuum. The tuner guy said it was a great way to keep the power down on my Son's hot rod.

Just so I don't forget all the tuner guy told me, here it is..
After correcting the vacuum pod, (he found it because he was putting a lighter spring in it so it would open sooner), He did a few other things.
Larger squirter for the accelerator pump to cure a dip in the power when the secondaries opened.
Larger secondary main jets, was 75 now 82. Since it was lean under full throttle higher rpm.
Adjusted the timing more advanced. (By ear, He really didn't like doing that) Then retarded it when it wouldn't crank over. We need to mark this and get it so we know for sure. He suggested a Van timing mark. I'm thinking there is a vibration from the crank. Maybe a self balancing harmonic balancer with a mark that we can see. (drill a hole in the firewall?)
Finally, on the last run he removed the air filter. (I think he forgot to put it back on), But as with many accidents, we discovered that the HP went up 5HP with no other changes. He suggested an aircleaner with the top lid that breathes. Open on the side and top. So maybe with a few tune up parts, air cleaner, Choke kit, an a harmonic balancer the engine may finally be done, for this year. He's going to have to change those seats if he want's his wifey to be to be confortable sitting there in her wedding dress. I'm pretty sure I posted the picture of my wife and I escaping on our wedding night in HER 914.

Always fun hanging out at a hot rod shop. And I think I may have sold my Gear Vendors Underdrive unit. cheer.gif
Big thanks to Dad for taking his day off on my 914!

I just picked up a couple more pictures and I just had to post a couple.

There are some AMAZING ones that I am holding off showing you guys. Im just posting a couple that I dont think Jerika will care to much about me sharing.

So far I have about 60 edited photo's. biggrin.gif
Those are some great shots. You did a great job on the car, can't wait to see it in person.

BTW, did you ever pull off the transfer paper on your 914World Sticker? The clear sheet isn't part of the sticker. wink.gif
QUOTE(Andyrew @ Nov 3 2011, 07:55 AM) *

Big thanks to Dad for taking his day off on my 914!

So far I have about 60 edited photo's. biggrin.gif

I'm not sure if you mean your dad's time off "FROM" you 914 or take these great photo's. biggrin.gif

The 3rd (last picture) was really cool of your faded 914 with the focused near range ground... and by the way the oil drop ties the 914 theme in together... beerchug.gif
My dad didnt take the pictures, he went to the dyno.

Ya I thought it was pretty cool about the oil drop. Oddly enough the 914 doesnt drip a single drop of oil!

Mark, Ya I removed the sticker shortly after that the day that photo was taken
Time for me to post the engagement pics smile.gif

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Mike Bellis
Cool Pics!
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Amazing Pic!
Those are favorites are when you both are sitting on the road leaning against your car door.
Cool piratenanner.gif Mark
You know my daugheter is getting married in 5 months. She is a pro golfer and I suspect she will have similar pics in the sense that you captured both of your true loves. GREAT PICS.... beerchug.gif

Well done...

What carb are you using for that latest dyno graph?
600 or so holley single pumper, I know with fuel injection i can hit 350hp and well over 400lbs of tq.
Is it vacuum secondaries?

QUOTE(Andyrew @ Nov 14 2011, 11:16 PM) *

600 or so holley single pumper, I know with fuel injection i can hit 350hp and well over 400lbs of tq.

QUOTE(Andyrew @ Nov 13 2011, 11:58 PM) *

Time for me to post the engagement pics smile.gif

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This picture is awesome!! biggrin.gif

Congrats! beerchug.gif
QUOTE(matthepcat @ Nov 14 2011, 11:27 PM) *

Is it vacuum secondaries?

QUOTE(Andyrew @ Nov 14 2011, 11:16 PM) *

600 or so holley single pumper, I know with fuel injection i can hit 350hp and well over 400lbs of tq.

Sweet ride. I bet its a beast with the V8. biggrin.gif
Teaser smile.gif More photos and video to come smile.gif

Mike Bellis
Looks like fun smile.gif
I must say I was hesitant, but dam if it wasn't a kick in the butt. I can't get over how the exhaust sounds almost exactly like you were standing there. The echo off the concrete walls made seem like it was surround sound.

Does anyone remember a song from around 2000 that included the words "faster faster faster". Not that the video needed any sound enhancement...
Been busy so I couldnt upload pics, but heres one of proof that Dad joined smile.gif

Dad, This song?

Good song, but not the one.

It's been years since I heard it, but i think it may have been a bit of 90s pop/rock or maybe techno. I just remember someone is the SFR SCCA doing a video of his autocross day with this in the background. Oh well, it was a long shot. I just thought it was good background music. Most car videos shouldn't have music anyway...
QUOTE(Andyrew @ Mar 3 2012, 04:48 PM) *

Teaser smile.gif More photos and video to come smile.gif

Got any videos to post yet?

I was surprised to see how tight the side to side movement of the rear wheels were in those tight wheel wells first.gif that v-8 sounded wicked
Wish I could've seen the 944 go at it.
QUOTE(orange914 @ Mar 7 2012, 10:16 AM) *

QUOTE(Andyrew @ Mar 3 2012, 04:48 PM) *

Teaser smile.gif More photos and video to come smile.gif

Got any videos to post yet?

I was surprised to see how tight the side to side movement of the rear wheels were in those tight wheel wells first.gif that v-8 sounded wicked
Wish I could've seen the 944 go at it.

Here is someone you know doing a better job with the 944 than I did. No wicked sound for some reason, it sounds a lot better in person. None the less, very good car control!
In prep for WCR, we threw the 914 on the lift to check things out.

First off, starter bolt was GONE. Replaced.

CV joints were tight, All major bolts were tight.

Wiring needed to be cleaned up so I removed the ECU wiring from the fuel injection and removed and trimmed/replaced a bunch of wiring.

Also the targa top was looking sad as I never got around to respraying it. Also the rocker panels were sprayed with a spray can and were not the right color. So I sanded and sprayed them with my new gun... Unfortunately it took quite a long time to get the gun adjusted right so its not up to par and will get resprayed after WCR... Just no time now.

Still have a lot left to do and im swamped at work... so this is going way to slow.. New front tires are on order and an alignment will be done Thurs or Friday.
QUOTE(Andyrew @ Jan 22 2011, 12:08 PM) *


Nope, Very little going to be done today... I got roped into helping my GF setup for her best friends baby shower, AND I have to help during the shower tomorrow...

Yesterday we went to the snow.. So pretty much this weekend is a wash, but I was expecting that. Monday i'll hit on it again and finish up the seat, then possibly work on something else.

Its pretty ironic, we were the pants but are slaves to the skirts...(*&^%&) slap.gif wub.gif pray.gif confused24.gif
QUOTE(Andyrew @ Jan 19 2011, 12:01 PM) *

Well it has been far to long since I drove my 914 any bit regularly, and 4 years since it has been registered for the road. This whole time it has been locked in my garage waiting for me to work on it. Sadly I haven't done more than a handful of things to it over that time. This thread is to motivate me to change that.

The goal is to get the car to the point that I can drive and enjoy the car again. Most of you know some of the details on my car, but since this thread is about this car I figure I would list them.

73 1.7 Converted to 2.0 by the previous owner then converted to 5.7 SBC by myself.
350SBC w/ .030 over
Edelbrock RPM Intake
Holley Pro Jet Comander fuel injection 650cfm (laptop programmable) * Converted back to 600 Holley Carb*
Shorty Headers
R/V cam
Remote oil filter
Aprox 350hp 400lbs TQ *250HP/250TQ Estimate after converting back to Carb*
Home made radiator setup

Stock 914 Sideshift
Stock 914 CV's (on 3rd replacement)
Rennegade adapter
Kennedy Engineering VW conversion kit w/ Stage 4 clutch

Raised 911 spindals up front with Koni reds
Mueller Roller Needle Bearings front and rear
Turbo tie rods
22mm Torsion bars
Nascar front sway bar
Koni yellows rear
911 rear hubs with 100mm studs
Ground control coil over kit
275lb springs

911 A calipers front
Stock 914 rear calipers
Vented rotors front and rear
Porterfield semi race pads
19mm M/C
Proportioning valve replaced with T

Boxter rear 17 x 8.5 twists up front
911 turbo 18 x 10 turbo twists in back

Rich Bontempi HPH Flares Front and Rear, Molded
916 front and rear bumpers (front bumper to be reworked completely)
Cowl style hood (to be replaced with factory)
6" ducktail spoiler with supports
Engman long stiffening kit
Seam welded rear
Camp 914 hood shocks front/rear
Camp 914 Euro front turn signals
Bike rack biggrin.gif

Momo steering wheel
Harness Bar
5 point Cam lock harnesses
Uncracked dash biggrin.gif
Pepboys Corbeau style seats
Carpeted backpad
Aluminum pedalboard

Future Plans:
Replace engine/trani with Audi 2.8 FWD
Replace dash with Audi dash, Retaining A/C and Heater controls.
Get new tires


Now that the intro is done, here is my checklist of things that I want to get done with it.

Register *Done*
Fix ignition **5-30-11**
Tune (again) ecu ** Converted back to Carbs after ECU died 5-30-11**
Clean goo in trunk (pic)
Install Dr window crank *5-30-11*
Change oil ****Finished 1-29-11****
Change water pump *Received Remanufactured pump from Slits 1-26-11****Finished Install w/ hangups 1-29-11****
Flush coolant
Finish targa bar S *Started progress on the bar*
Dr front 1/4 *Sand day 1 1-29-11* *Bondo Day 2-1-11**Primer Day 2-19-11*
Dr door *Sand day 1 1-29-11**Bondo Day 2-1-11*[/url]*Primer Day 2-19-11*
Rocker pannels *5-7-11*
Dr rear 1/4 *Sand day 1 1-29-11**Bondo Day 2-1-11*[/url]*Primer Day 2-19-11*
Trunk *Removed spoiler, Plugged old spoiler holes, Long board sanded trunk*
Rear bumper *Page 8*
Pass rear 1/4 *4-17-11*
Pass door *4-17-11*
Pass front 1/4 *4-17-11*
Front bumper *5-5-11*
Hood *Primer 5-2-11* *Paint 5-15-11*
Top *5-4-11[url=]
Primer sealer *5-15-11*
Paint *5-15-11*
Radiator cutouts in wheel well (And replace hood with stock) ***Completed 1-26-11***
Fix headlights *6-8-11*
Fix horn
Finish seat install ****Progress 1-19-11**** ***Finished 1-26-11***
Finish carpet *6-8-11*
Finish front sway bar
Fix Dr Door handle

Starting state

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I made a photobucket album to host my phone pictures that i'll take durring the process. I'll take quality pictures where I see the need.

Hey Andyrew,

First off, your paint job is just Freakin' Awesome! Wow, what a great finish! I'm working on my 2nd 914 (restoration car) and could surely learn some things from you on paint work!

Unsolicited suggestion, accept them if you agree:
-Like you, I also have a SBC conversion car that I've been running on track for about 10 years now and am very concerned about the removal of the brake proportioning valve. While I always have hated the mushy pedal the valve creates, it IS important. I'm concerned that when you need emergency braking or one of the few wet days in Modesto, that you will get nasty rear wheel lock-up and spin the car. I'm running the Wilwood dual-master cylinder w/ balance bar setup and not only is it very low-cost, it works terrifically. I see that you are a skillfull guy, it should be not a big project for you to do: remote reservoirs mount under the front hood like the original and you will have the hardest brake pedal you have ever felt. When I'm on-track and don't have my bias adjusted correctly, I spin off like a top!
-I viewed you sliding your car in the parking lot and noted that the outside rear tire appeared to have Positive camber....this makes the car oversteery and not what you want. I would recommend 2 - 2-1/2 degrees of Negative camber in the rear. Rear stability is a blessing.
-Lastly, I saw your skillful fixes of the mechanical water pump. While this setup "works", I'd like to suggest going to a remote Electric pump if you continue to have cooling issues. Lord knows Modesto has long hot summers!
Why the electric? Because you get CONSTANT MAX water flow ALL the time. So when you are in traffic with the engine idling, you are getting water flow as though you had the engine revving 4000 (I did the homework on this issue). I've been running my Meziere 55 GPM pump for over 10 years with NO problems. The say it has an MTBF of 30,000 hours and will rebuilt it for around $50.
-One of the BEST things you did for cooling was cut that hole in your front hood, I tried ducted out the bottom for a long time and was always running hot. As soon as I cut my hood vent, all my problems went away, including running at Willow Springs in the upper desert of SOCAL in summer.

I hope this is help, enjoy that beautiful car you created!
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