Apr 8 2003, 10:01 PM
OK you whack jobs, where are the rest of the member's pics? Last time I was active on the board there were just over 400 members. Now there are over 539?!?!?! Let's have the pics! It's my personal mission to see this thread get the most replies and views. Gives me something to look at while at work.
Here are mine. The Red one is almost rust free and is a '74 2.0. The Blue one is a '74 1.8 and has the floor board and front and rear trunks rusted out. This is my welding project. I'm planning on converting this to an autocross only car, the same as URY914's a-xer.
Nice setup. Where'd you get that canopy doohickeythingamabob?
Apr 8 2003, 10:54 PM
Here's my 914 project car with a Sheridan Body Kit and Kinesis wheels.
Side View
Apr 8 2003, 10:56 PM
Front View
Apr 8 2003, 10:56 PM
Back View
Brad Roberts
Apr 8 2003, 11:09 PM
Come on SOLO.. you have to have some new pics of the car. You know... with a engine in it.
Welcome to the board. Another Canadian.
Dave Cawdrey
Apr 8 2003, 11:12 PM
Seen soloracer's rig many times... Always wonder if yer gonna sticker it up?
Not me <_<
Brad Roberts
Apr 8 2003, 11:14 PM
He didnt even take those pics.. those where the pics from the Ebay auction he won over me..LOL
Apr 8 2003, 11:37 PM
Brad, thanks for the warm welcome. I just keep posting those e-bay pics to irritate you. *lol* Actually, I haven't done anything to the car, other than collect parts, since I bought it. My garage right now is packed to the rafters and the snow outside still hasn't gone away enough to allow me to park some of the toys on the street. I hope I can count on you for advice when I do get the chance to work on it.
Korijo: Nope, no stickers planned. In fact none of my cars has stickers on them. However, only one of them is currently running - the daily driven Honda. The RX7 Turbo has some engine problems, the clutch is out of the 944 Turbo and the 914 is a long ways from moving down the road under it's own power. Good to hear you don't like stickers either. I probably wouldn't get any sleep if I found out my donation to your wheelchair was spent on anything other than performance mods.
Apr 10 2003, 04:51 PM
I know I need to contribute to this thread, I just wish I had a more up-to-date picture.. or one that wasn't such bad quality. Two more days and she'll be back up in Bay Area.
Apr 10 2003, 04:54 PM
was that side-chrome-trim a factory option?
never seen a car with that before ... interesting ...
nice car, Mockmaw!
Apr 10 2003, 05:00 PM
Well, it's not entirely chrome.. it's black rubber with chrome trim.

Unbelievable, I can't believe I've never realized how unique that stripe is. I don't see it on any other cars.
Apr 10 2003, 05:02 PM
Brad's Avatar has made me alot more patriotic.
I now stand at attention when I see the flag.
Apr 10 2003, 05:03 PM
A little closer-up:
Apr 10 2003, 06:24 PM
Nice car! Thanks for the pics.
Apr 10 2003, 09:05 PM
my 76 had them. there is a pic posted earlier in this thread
Apr 10 2003, 09:14 PM
Mine had them before it got smashed!!
Apr 10 2003, 09:14 PM
Apr 10 2003, 09:25 PM
HA! i'm viewer # 10000 for this thread
Now we're gettin somewhere....
This thread does have the highest view and reply count on the board.
Apr 10 2003, 09:45 PM
So was that strip an option? I'm curious now.
Mark Henry
Apr 10 2003, 09:52 PM
QUOTE(ginter @ Apr 10 2003, 07:25 PM)
HA! i'm viewer # 10000 for this thread
Now we're gettin somewhere....
This thread does have the highest view and reply count on the board.
And I started this thread!!!
Na na naw-na-naI'm such a child!!!
Apr 10 2003, 09:53 PM
And a fine thread it is Mark....
Apr 10 2003, 10:58 PM
Those strips went out of fashion before you had been born Mockmaw

They are protective trim to help from getting door dings, ugly then, ugly now
seriously, those could have been added by the dealer or someone that just wanted to help protect the car from the errant shopping cart or door ding from the bozo next to you in the parking lot.
Apr 10 2003, 11:21 PM
Hahah Mueller, I never said they were attractive, just curious!
Britain Smith
Apr 11 2003, 12:20 AM
I know that this is not a 914, but I have a few reasons to post it on this list.
1. Brad helped me on this car way back in 1996, when he had a shop in Arlington, TX (BRM Performance).
2. The car is going to be moving to the Bay Area with me on June 2nd, and I hope to soon get a 914 to put on the track.
3. It will be getting an engine transplant to a
2.3L 914 motor...must have more power.
Anyway, here it is...

Brad Roberts
Apr 11 2003, 12:32 AM
Show them the dent pics. LOL
Apr 11 2003, 12:41 AM
Is that a 68? Here is a 67 911 I built 6 years ago!
Nice ride! You have a better stereo than I had but "wheres the beef"!!
Apr 11 2003, 12:41 AM
oops I forgot the pic!!
Apr 11 2003, 12:50 AM
QUOTE(SirAndy @ Apr 10 2003, 02:54 PM)
was that side-chrome-trim a factory option?
never seen a car with that before ... interesting ...
nice car, Mockmaw!
I can't find anything in the "Restorer's Guide" about these... Were they a dealer option?
Brad Roberts
Apr 11 2003, 12:53 AM
Its a "Pep Boys" item. Store bought... installed at home.
Apr 11 2003, 06:39 AM
That red 912 is beautiful!
I don't care for the huge stereo, but it's not my car.
Apr 11 2003, 09:40 AM
Some of the side strips were dealer installed, ask me how I know. The dealer I worked at installed the aluminium metal strips first, drilled holes and either screwed or pop rivet on and then inserted the rubber center and then the end caps.
It was all a sales dept. profit deal, along with the other add-ons. I saw alot of that when I was at a Datsun dealership.
Chris H.
Apr 11 2003, 10:05 AM
My car has that '70's trim piece too. I personally don't like it on my car and I've been thinking about taking it off. Don't want to make a bigger mess though.
Chris H.
Apr 11 2003, 10:06 AM
I'vebeen scraping the wheel wells this week. Here's how mine is attached. This should bring back memories for you Craig...
Apr 11 2003, 10:19 AM
Thanks Chris. I will never forget the one time when one of the PDI guys was drilling into the door and his drill bit broke and gouged out the paint about 12 inches. Car was being delivered that day. Owner backed out of the deal when he saw the damage.
The stick on ones have probably all put fallen of of most of the 914s and yes some 911s.
fuch toy
Apr 11 2003, 03:56 PM
Here's the old "Rocket"....
fuch toy
Apr 11 2003, 03:59 PM
Here's the 74 Delphi Green Metallic, going towrds concour weenie status....still needs the side pieces.
Britain Smith
Apr 12 2003, 01:36 AM
Thanks for the props on the is actually a '69.
As I understand, the side trim peices were part of the option list from the factory, but they could have been dealer installed also. They actually came in a narrow width and a thicker width and matched the front and rear trim on the bumpers. When I did the restoration of this car, I decided not to put the peices back on and I have the holes filled.
As for the stereo, I designed and built it with the intention that it could be taken out also (for weight savings). It packs one hell of a bump for a single 8" sub. Surprisingly, I was able to eliminate every single rattle from the car so the it doesn't sound horrible from the outside.
Here is the pic that Brad was referrring Mom had the great idea of pushing the car up the drive way with an Explorer. Needless to say, things didn't end up like they should have and then they call me to tell me the bad news. lol!!
Apr 12 2003, 05:12 AM
hi there,
and here two pics of my 914 collection. The first one is my 914/2.0l which is my daily driver for the summertime, the next one is my 914/6 under construction on the way to it's new home. The 2.0l is completely stock with a rebuild engine and d-jet fi.
ciao ... Benno
Apr 12 2003, 05:14 AM
and here comes the second one ... (the car on the right

ciao ... Benno
Apr 12 2003, 07:25 AM
How about this trick.
My car on 2 jack stands.
Neat trick, uh?
I did it with out trying one day.
Apr 12 2003, 08:24 AM
Dammit Brad!!!!
That is one ugly ass avitar.
fuch toy
Apr 12 2003, 08:27 AM
Funny Ginter.... :finger2:
Apr 13 2003, 04:59 PM
Just throwing in a post, so I can get to my 10 sooner and add a pic.
Apr 17 2003, 10:24 AM
Track car
Apr 17 2003, 10:26 AM
Thanks for the pic. Where are you located?
Apr 18 2003, 10:21 PM
How did you attach your flares? Some sort of rivet, or are they removable? I dig the "bolt-on" look...only other car I've seen like that is the silver and blue Patrick Motorsport 914. It looks like there is something between the flare and body...what is it?
Thanks for the info
Apr 19 2003, 03:50 AM
I am in Savannah, GA
the flares FG were pop rivited in place we used Volkswagen Bug fender welting.
I first thought to bond them would be the way to go but now I really like the look.
I have lots of pictures of the car since I bought it in December but for some reason I was not albe to upload them this morning.
Off to the track
Apr 19 2003, 09:52 AM
Bill your screen is riveted too. Guess it's lexan.....did you fabricate it yourself or are they available to buy?
Cheers -James.
I'm sure we'd all love to see more pics if you have them.
Apr 19 2003, 03:56 PM
Windshield is lexan with stainless screws.
I bought a 4x8 sheet.
I am trying to post more pictures but keep getting an error "you can't post this type of file"
What's up with this?
Apr 19 2003, 04:00 PM
QUOTE(Blynes @ Apr 19 2003, 01:56 PM)
I am trying to post more pictures but keep getting an error "you can't post this type of file"
What's up with this?
will work ...
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