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Brad Roberts
Go to your profile under "My controls" and add your city we can tell you where to go local for parts.

I'm located 30 minutes north of the GG bridge off of 101. 20% of this BBS is from NorCal.

Mine isn't as purdy as most but it's one of two 914's I own. This is my Lagoon Blue '75 I bought from this very board. Brad was kind enough to go through alot of trouble getting it here for me from the left coast.
That sure looks like a nice clean and solid car!
I like that color too


Thanks Jeroen. That picture is my favorite angle of the car in it's present condition as it shows off the solid long and jack point in the original color. It is indeed a nice tub.

I've alredy purchased a nice front right and left rear quarters. Before I even unloaded the car from the trailer, I pulled back the wiring in the engine compartment and sand blasted the important parts so I could size up the work. The *original* battery try is still in the car. It's badly pitted with rust and has one quarter size hole in it but It's solid enough for me to stand on it and I'm not a small guy at 190lb.

There is one pin-hole in the passenger side long. The firewall on both sides need small patches just above the long. The left side engine shelf needs a small ammount of work to fill pin-holes. The passenger side engine shelf may get replaced. It needs the forward most 8 inches or so. I've already got an engine shelf so I may just replace the whole thing.

Tell everyone how much the tub cost.
QUOTE(seanery @ Nov 21 2003, 05:36 PM)

Tell everyone how much the tub cost.

It was in the club classifieds for $250 and no-one was interested enough to buy it. blink.gif I got it for $150 + Brad's time/shipping costs. Which is still well under $1k delivered.
why haven't i put my car on this thread? huh.gif

here she is. i'm looking to go 5 lug in a few months

Ok, I now have photos of my new toy.

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Charles Navarro
LN Engineering
Aircooled Precision Performance
Brad Roberts
Charles Charles Charles...

Post a PIC in the thread....LOL

People hate "clicking" on links.

So, what's going into that 914 of yours? I can't wait to find out idea.gif
Chris H.
OMG Charles Navarro has a 914 now!? It's about time!

Looks great by the way Charles! That looks like the e-bay car from Orland Park. Can't wait to see it sometime.

Chris H.
Why, yes it is the Orland Park 914 from Rizza Porsche plus $1000 of body work to repair all the dents and dings and some new Toyo Proxies TS-1s.

Engine is coming out in roughly 2 weeks to receive a top end rebuild with 96mm Nickies, Keith Black pistons, Rebuilt 2L 914 heads with 42 x 38 valves, dual springs, mild port and polish. Also will be receiving a set of ceramic drop-in replacement lifters and ARP Thru-bolts to top off the rebuild. Has a webcam 86 grind in the bottom end which is really tight as is, so I don't want to bother with it. Will also receive a set of Weber 44 IDFs, mallory unilite, hyfire VI, and a new bananna stock muffler. While i'm at it, i'm having the little bit of rust repaired and replacing all the cables, mounts, etc.

The car will be driven to CA for the Dunkel's show in Feb, so all the updates will be done by then. The previous owner had already done some mods like koni reds in the back, 140 springs, stainless brake lines, etc. All in all, a nicely maintained car and excellent for having been a rust belt car!

Charles Navarro
LN Engineering
Aircooled Precision Performance
QUOTE(kafermeister @ Nov 21 2003, 08:01 AM)
No, this is not a 914 but it *is* my current project.

Käfermeister, that's a nice '02 bug. my first car was a metallic turquoise '72 02 with sport-o-matic ...

Let us know what that motor dynos at...I'm sure people will be interested to see what a mild 914 motor will do. Eh, why not throw a silly cam on that thing, haha happy11.gif
QUOTE(SirAndy @ Nov 26 2003, 08:24 PM)
Käfermeister, that's a nice '02 bug. my first car was a metallic turquoise '72 02 with sport-o-matic ...


Thanks Andy. It doesn't show up well in the pictures but it's painted that turquoise color that was offered on the late 80's Camaro/Firebird. I actually went to the dealer and got the paint code off a car in the showroom. I was about to turn 20 at the time. Salesman thought I was nuts. Oh, and it's an x auto-stick car as well.

I started puting the floor pan bolts back in a few hours ago. The body's been off of the pan since about '98. That pic was taken the day after I set the body back on earlier this month.

It's been awhile, so I thought I'd throw a few pics on...
Finally got that one to work, so here's another (as shown in avatar)
New Member:

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- Brett Smith
Brad Roberts
Welcome Brett clap56.gif clap56.gif I really like the colors you used in the engine compartment.

Show us some more pics..

I bought the car like that. It was originally my girlfriends dads, and I just purchased it like two weeks ago. He had the car built to his specifications, and he has some money to spend.

I am working on getting pics. My digital camera sucks, so I keep taking them and it keeps coming out either blurry or not a good picture.

I want to set up a little site, so I will post that once I get it all together.

- Brett Smith
wonder if this work

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slugmika, welcome to the board. Gotta love a red racer!
thanks, my 914 is not so pretty anymore,
it is cold and dark now here in Finland so we have lots of time to fix things during the winter.

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Hey Mika,

Welcome to the BBS! Always good to see more europeans join

Looks like you have your winter project sorted out ohmy.gif


rick 918-S
slugmika, Welcome! wavey.gif post more photo's. I like the vented trunk lid.
Brad Roberts
Welcome Mika !! clap56.gif clap56.gif

The flames look(ed) great on the car. Very well done. Sorry to see your mishap with the wall..

Thanks guys.
car is at the carage and will be back for next racing season.
after that accident i had two days to fix the car for the last race.
and in Grand Finale, two BMW hitted my poor little 914 behind and to side
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luckily i made molds of rear fenders last winter and had bought spare right front fender from the other Finnish 914 on the list (kirkkis) so everything else is only work and should be done before easter.
i could not find a picture of trunk lid vent but here you can see the reason for it.
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Brad Roberts
SWEET. 3.2.. small gear reduction starter..

Thanks for the joing the BBS Mika.. we like to have fun here and build 914's.

Brett W
Here's my ride.
I have a stock 72. I am getting ready to disassemble it and put it back together with a 6. driving.gif
Another picture.
Hmmmm. Black 914. I wub.gif black 914's.

Where's my drool smiley when I need it?

The other side looks just as good. Different picture.
Another. Momo VW wheel.
Original miles. LOL.
Looks like a good car to start a sixer. What part of town are you in?

mueba.gif aktion035.gif aktion035.gif
Hi Mike, I am a little north of Hampden and Quebec. boldblue.gif
'nother guy on the south side. We need more people up north. wink.gif

Just kiddin. Saw you email to the local list. We're trying to put together a dinner or something for Jan/Feb. You probably heard about that. Typical disorganization though. Peter H. lives real close to you I think.
Here are some pictures of my girlfriend's father's 914. Not the original owner but has had it for 30 years. From the pictures the car is perfect. He recently won a car show in the stock class. I mentioned to my girlfriend to have him join up, don't know if he has but still in the works
Curvie Roadlover
I love this wheel. It's kind of ATSish
That's a Momo wheel...


Curvie Roadlover
QUOTE(914MF @ Dec 6 2003, 01:15 PM)
Another. Momo VW wheel.

yeah, I know.
Went looking for a "parts car" to contribute parts to restoring my hidden-rusty green '74 1.8. Here a picture of the "parts car" I found. Its has so much less rust that the green one is now the parts car. Go figure! huh.gif
Cool! A solar-powered 914!
Maybe someday. I'd just need to install one of these kits:

That's a portion of my personal power company in the background.

Joe cool_shades.gif idea.gif
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